Romy CraigThe shops we don’t care aboutThis year, I, like many others will feel a warm glow of smug satisfaction seeing how many of the Christmas presents I’ve bought have been…Dec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020
Romy Craig6 ways jobseeking and dating are basically the same thingIf enough is going right in your life that you’re lucky enough to have Tinder and LinkedIn Jobs as your most used apps, you’re likely to…Mar 26, 2019Mar 26, 2019
Romy CraigWhy I wish I’d taken my head out of the sand about money earlier (& how to sort it out if you’re a…From my late teens to around the age of 30, my reaction to a cashpoint offering to show my balance was to retreat in horror. I’d know how…Mar 11, 2019Mar 11, 2019
Romy CraigHow to make unemployment work for youThroughout my career, I’ve had periods of a few months where I’ve been gainfully unemployed — usually due to contracts ending before the…Feb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Romy CraigWhy we should be paying for contentMy life can be measured through my consumption of magazines and their digital descendants. From my 1980s Twinkle comic through to the 90’s…Feb 5, 2019Feb 5, 2019
Romy CraigInjecting the personal into your personal visual brandI wrote this piece after attending a work training day which was all around personal development. Overall, a really great day with…Oct 24, 2015Oct 24, 2015
Romy CraigEscaping to Umbria — enabling the possibleI have just spent the most motivating, inspiring, head clearing, hilarious and relaxing weekend of my life (this is not an exaggeration).Oct 19, 2015Oct 19, 2015